Welcome to Rockton United Church!
We are currently participating in UCC Rural Connects.  This involves having a "Hub Church" with "Satellite Churches".  Southampton UC is the Hub Church and Rockton UC and Sheffield UC are satellite churches.
On Sunday mornings announcements start at 9:45am and we connect to Southampton and their minister at 10am for a meaningful worship service.  There is congregational participation and the perfect way to have Sunday Services for the foreseeable future!

Our hope is to help you experience the Living God by facilitating worship that brings you into the presence of the Holy Spirit by witnessing to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  That's our way of saying we bring a message of hope and love to our community, and we'd like you to join us to see what God is doing in this place

Our sanctuary front door is 2 steps off ground level with hand rails for assistance.
A portable wheel chair ramp can easily  and quickly be put in place for those needing it at our side door which opens into our fellowship hall and Sunday School space.  Please let us know and we'd be glad to assist you!
All rooms of the church are on one level for ease of movement.


Office Hours :
Until further notice, there will be no office hours. 

Pastoral Care
Beginning January 1st, 2024 Pastoral Care will be provided by Rev. Will Wheeler from Freelton Strabane UC.  His contact info is:  905-659-3380  or                                 [email protected]
Rev. Heather Davies will continue to be our Rural Connect Sunday Service Minister and  can be contacted at [email protected] or cell 226-668-7331.
or the office        - phone or text - 519-647-2813
                                   - email - [email protected]

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Joint Needs Assessment Committee Report
- December 2015
- Click to View

We are gathering in person at the church and watching and participating in services via video link from Southampton UC.
If you wish to join the live online services, please email the office and your email address will be included to receive the Sunday morning links!
Please consider continuing your financial support during this time.  As followers of Jesus we are stewards of God's gifts and should prayerfully consider how we can contribute to God's work.  Here are a couple of options:
-       cheques mailed to  Rockton UC  at 792 Old Hwy #8, Rockton, ON L0R 1X0
-       Now may also be a good time to sign up for PAR (automatic bank withdrawals) please contact the office for more information if you are interested.

We would love to have you join us!  Children are most welcome and we have recently reestablished a Sunday School Program!    Nothing brings the congregation more joy than the laughter of a happy child!
Regular services  begin with the video link to Southampton at 10am.  Local announcements will be given a few minutes prior.

Dec 31 – Pre-recorded service, Rockton Church will be closed.  If you wish a link to the pre-recorded service please contact the office.
Jan 7, 2024 - Regular weekly services will restart with the video link from Southampton beginning at 10am.  The service is preceded by announcements.
Please join us as we worship and for a time of fellowship following the service with coffee, tea and treats!
Everyone is welcome!!!

Pot Luck Dinner - aka "Loaves & Fishes" Please mark your calendars, Rockton UC – January 10 @ 5:30pm.  Please bring your favourite dish, but if you are unable to, there is always plenty to go around!  Dinner will begin at 6 pm.  All are welcome for a night of good food, fellowship, conversation and meeting your neighbour!  Coffee and juice provided as well as plates and cutlery.

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